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Admission Guidelines


YES is currently accepting Pre-G1, Elementary Schoolers, and Junior High School applicants.
School information sessions are held several times a year. Please join us when it is convenient for you, either in real life or online.


If possible, try to get a feel for the school by attending a summer school.
Every school has a "chemistry" with its students and parents. If you feel that there is a good match, you may apply for the "assessment period" held in the fall and winter.


Students will take a trial assessment for a few days to a week. During the assessment, there will be no academic or skill tests. Instead, we will observe the student's behavior to see if they are able to adjust to school life, attend classes with other students, and listen to the teacher's instructions.
Along with the behavior observation, there is a parent-teacher conference with the principal, vice-principal, and head of the English department. The main questions asked at this meeting are: Is there a significant discrepancy between the educational content desired by the parents and the educational activities of YES?


We will look at issues of "compatibility", such as over-interference with students and frequent complaints to the school. In addition, we will provide "assistant teachers" (paid; one per month, depending on the frequency of assistance) during classes for students with strong characteristics or literacy or other problems that may prevent them from progressing in their studies. Depending on the frequency of the assistance, we may consult with you to assign an "assistant teacher".


In the past, there have been cases in which students have had an assistant teacher for a year and a half after entering the school, but the frequency has gradually decreased and the assistant teacher is no longer needed.
During the parent-teacher conferences, we will also explain the various risks that may occur after enrollment (fights among students, injuries, incompatibility with certain teachers, etc.), but please do not feel anxious. We believe that students will adjust faster if we can discuss and agree upon cases of trouble beforehand, rather than accepting an admission easily and later having trouble saying, "It was not supposed to be like this.”
We will also inform parents about the advantages and disadvantages of small class sizes and of being a private free school, not a Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) Article 1 school.


Almost the same process as new enrollment, but the school age for enrollment is "older children to junior high school students" and the time of enrollment is "at any time". First, please feel free to contact us through the inquiry form. 


In order to promote inclusive education and gifted education within the school, the school now makes the decision on acceptance after a meeting of all faculty members.


We intend to actively accept not only "good" students at the time of the assessment, but also students who are expected to grow emotionally by attending YES. We will also work with outside organizations to provide various types of support for gifted students.


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