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How much English do you need to enroll?

YES is a Japanese-English bilingual school, so it is certainly desirable to have enough English and Japanese skills to have daily conversation at the time of admission.

However, the adaptability of young children cannot be overstated, and children can do what adults take years to learn in a few months. Therefore, even children who have never been educated in a second language should feel free to contact us.


What is the ratio of English and Japanese classes?

It depends on the grade, but overall, the ratio of English and Japanese classes is about 50%. There are more Japanese lessons in the lower grades, but as the grade goes up, the percentage of lessons taught in English will increase. Our school does not provide lessons to acquire only English skills, but also conducts content-based education to learn various things in English.


Are the students Japanese? Is the conversation of children outside of class in English? Japanese?

The majority of students currently have Japanese nationality. Therefore, if left alone during the break, students are more likely to communicate in Japanese, so we encourage them actively to communicate in English.


What is your career path after graduation? Does it affect the advancement to junior high school and high school in Japan?

Our first graduates finished school in 2021. One of these students took the English exam and went on to a technical high school, and the other two went on to private junior high school by taking the general exam. However, we generally recommend continuing your junior high education here at YES and taking a domestic high school exam or studying abroad. For study abroad, affiliated agents will be available for consultation, and study abroad information sessions will be held on a regular basis.


How can my child get to and from school? Is there a shuttle bus etc.?

Basically, we ask parents to pick up and drop off children, but G1 students are offered a pick-up service between Yokohama Station and YES for a fee. G2 students and above are allowed to go to and leave school only by submitting parental written consent.


When is the beginning of the year, semesters, and long vacation?

Our school has a three-semester system starting in April, in line with other schools in Japan. There are holidays in summer, winter and spring.


Are students able to get lunch at school?

Lunch is not made at school but we outsource school lunch from a local caterer (about 500 to 600 yen per meal). Of course students can bring their own lunch with them.

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