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YES International School provides music, dance and ukulele classes to our students. Our performing arts classes are taught by professionals in their respective fields and the focus is more on fun and experience as opposed to rigid and strict practice. We provide these classes from grade 1 through to junior high school.

Similarly to our visual arts department, the philosophy is that we want our classes to be inclusive to all students and provide students with a wide range of skills and self-expression. We have a selection of instruments aside from ukulele (where all students play) and allow our students to try a variety of instruments and see which brings out a spark in them.

We have two dance teacher with different styles, ballet and hip-hop. Both teachers bring out a different side of our students with their liveliness, finesse and class. The students get up and move about and have so much fun.

At the end of the year, we have a few choir (by age groups), music performances as well as dance performances.

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