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Inside P.E

YES P.E (Physical Education) is an indoor/outdoor program designed to help people achieve a better balance between mind and body.

Our curriculum is divided into both indoor and outdoor programs.

Indoor P.E focuses on mat exercises, applying the body's natural load with its own body weight,

This promotes the development of muscular strength, flexibility, and bone structure.

Each child is interested in different movements and we help to encourage these individual differences as much as possible. After stretching and basic exercises, the instructor does not set tasks for the children. They choose the movements they are interested in and challenge themselves.

There is no standard of "can-do" or "can't-do," and we respect and encourage their willingness to try.

Having the desire to try new moves and the habit of changing oneself will lead to the achievement of goals and create a path to growth,

When used correctly, the body can enrich our lives, and we can share and help each other with the experiences we gain.

Outside P.E

Outdoor P.E is about going barefoot as much as possible, putting the soles of your feet firmly on the ground, and feeling the texture of the soil and grass. 

In outdoor PE, children learn basic movements such as running, and jumping, as well as dynamic body movements such as balancing on unstable surfaces.

We do not separate classes by age or grade level, but rather by having children of various sizes and personalities exercise together. 

The upper-graders help the lower-graders, and the lower-graders watch the behavior of the upper-graders to gain experience in how to avoid danger outdoors.

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